Blind gaumata/cow baby - Sector 53 noida
Blind gaumata/cow baby - Sector 53 noida
Blind gaumata/cow baby - Sector 53 noida
Blind gaumata/cow baby - Sector 53 noida
Blind gaumata/cow baby - Sector 53 noida
Blind gaumata/cow baby - Sector 53 noida
Blind gaumata/cow baby - Sector 53 noida
Blind gaumata/cow baby - Sector 53 noida
Blind gaumata/cow baby - Sector 53 noida
Blind gaumata/cow baby - Sector 53 noida
Blind gaumata/cow baby - Sector 53 noida
Blind gaumata/cow baby - Sector 53 noida
Blind gaumata/cow baby - Sector 53 noida
Blind gaumata/cow baby - Sector 53 noida

Blind gaumata/cow baby - Sector 53 noida

Received request from sector 53 noida in 2021 to save orphaned gaumata baby who is born blind.

Roaming alone on road here and there, hitting everything,  felling in Drainage.

Malnourished,  with love and care.

Rescued and brought home for treatment and care and lots of love. 


A newborn calf was recently found wandering alone on a road, after being orphaned and left to fend for itself by a dairy owner. To make matters worse, the calf was also born blind, making it even more vulnerable to the dangers of the outside world.

The emotional state of this calf is likely one of confusion, fear, and distress. Being separated from its mother and left to wander alone is a traumatic experience for any animal, let alone a newborn. The calf's blindness also adds an additional layer of vulnerability, as it is unable to see the dangers around it and navigate its environment effectively.

The calf was seen falling into drains and wandering aimlessly, unable to find food or shelter. This can be distressing for any animal, but especially for a newborn that is dependent on its mother for survival.

It is important for the calf to receive immediate care and attention. It should be taken to a veterinarian for a thorough examination and any necessary medical treatment. It should also be provided with a safe and comfortable environment, preferably with the company of other cows or animals, as cows are social animals and form strong bonds with other members of their herd.

In addition to addressing its physical needs, it is also important to address the calf's emotional well-being. Providing a sense of security, companionship, and familiarity can help to alleviate stress and promote healing.

It is deeply unfortunate that the dairy owner abandoned this calf, leaving it to suffer alone on the road. It is our responsibility as a society to ensure that all animals, including those used in the dairy industry, are treated with compassion and given the care and protection they deserve.

Please read and feel journey of 16 more gaumata and nandi baba suffering likewise