Save Lives of Injured Sick Cows & Nandi Baba Emergency Medications Pack 300 Pain Killer injection, Betadine for wound cleaning and Ivermectin for wound healing for everyday...
Save Lives of Injured Sick Cows & Nandi Baba Zinc oxide Antiseptic 1000 Antiseptic powder for wounds dressing.
Save Lives of Injured Sick Cows & Nandi Baba Megludyne Pain Killer- 100 ml 300 Pain Killer injection, Betadine for wound cleaning and Ivermectin for wound healing for everyday...
Save Lives of Injured Sick Cows & Nandi Baba Emergency Medications Pack 300 Pain Killer injection, Betadine for wound cleaning and Ivermectin for wound healing for everyday...
Save Lives of Injured Sick Cows & Nandi Baba Bhusa Choker 1 month 1000 10000kg feed required everyday for survival of 600+ weak injured Gaumata Nandi